ORCAFLEX Expert Users Since 1986

Structural, Marine and Offshore Specialists

Stewart Technology Associates (STA) founded in 1986, provides a wide variety of services in the offshore and marine industries. We de-risk offshore and marine projects using advanced simulation and analysis.

STA undertakes structural dynamic and hydrodynamic analysis of many structures and systems using a variety of technology software tools.  We specialize in advanced applications in Excel with extensive use of graphics and VB macro coding. 

OrcaFlex is generally the software of choice for riser design and riser analysis, mooring design and dynamic mooring analysis, single point mooringstop tensioned risers, flexible risers, drilling and production risers, steel catenary risers and cable dynamics problems in general. View STA VIDEOS.

STA has other in-house tools for cable dynamics, and a range of bespoke STA software offered for sale.  OrcaFlex is used by STA for DRILLING RISER ANALYSIS and for DYNAMIC MOORING ANALYSIS.

Expert Witness Marine

Mr. Stewart has acted as an expert witness on many occasions, providing expert testimony associated with marine accident investigation, mooring failures, riser failure, single point mooringsliftboat design, anchor analysispile anchors, anchor failures, suction pile failures, cable dynamics, seakeeping analysis, and marine collisions and capsize.

An interesting expert witness marine litigation case involved a bottom-founded barge that capsized while resting on-bottom of a lake in relatively benign environmental conditions. This case involved an understanding of naval architecture, mechanical technology and geotechnical technology, all contributing to an unusual stability failure.

Marine Renewable Energy

STA clients have been increasingly interested in renewable energy, particularly from offshore fixed and floating wind farms, in-stream hydrokinetic devices and wave energy converters.  View SUT Offshore Renewables presentation by Bil Stewart in September, 2018.

The ASCE COPRI Marine Renewable Energy Committee was formed in 2009 and Bil Stewart was appointed Chairman.  The MRE Committee has been producing a new document for Civil Engineer involved with MRE projects.

STA has assisted clients with wind farm installations using liftboatsjack-ups and crane barges.

STA has used OrcaFlex for design and analysis of wave power systems, and proprietary tension-leg platform-mounted wind turbines.

Dynamic Mooring Analysis

STA provides mooring design and analysis services for pier and quayside moorings, single point moorings (SPMs), multi-buoy moorings (MBMs), spread moorings in shallow and very deep waters.

Liftboat & Jack-Up Design

STA provides jack-up analysis and jack-up design and review services.

The Irish Sea Pioneer, a 4-legged jack-up was designed by STA in 1996 and built at Bollinger Shipyard, Louisiana, for Halliburton. This vessel now works the Liverpool Bay Project, UK. STA developed a jack-up analysis program, STA JACKWAVE, beginning in 1987. View STA PROJECTS since 1986

STA LIFTBOAT is a similar program used by liftboat designers for preliminary design of liftboats. The US Coast Guard also use it for liftboat design reviews.

STA has proprietary software and designs for marine training simulators used for improving emergency preparedness of crews on jack-ups, semi-submersibles, and liftboats.

William (Bil) Stewart, CEO of Stewart Technology Associates See Resume