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Naval Architectural Analysis (NAA)

NAA report for crane barge in Greece for US Navy.  Barge large-angle stability, Crane rating using ASME B30.5, de-rating calculations in compliance with ASME B30.8, CFR 173, USAC EM 385-1-1, NAVCRANINST 1145.02.  Interactive lift analysis software developed.  Crane boom recoil (backwards instabiity) blog entry, 2018.

GZ Curve for Crane Barge, from STA HYDOSTAB

On-Bottom Stability of Navy Submarine Hose

Time domain on-bottom stability and large excursion analysis of submarine hose for US Navy, Global Aerospace Corporation.  OrcaFlex and STA BOTSTAB modelling.  Integration of near real-time wave and current data models, nearshore California.  Full scale test program planning for calibration of OrcaFlex models, 2018.


Utility Scale Floating PV Mooring Design and Wind Loading Software

Development of bespoke wind loading software for very large (1km x 1km) floating solar panel arrays on lakes and reservoirs.  Design of mooring systems for these arrays on projects in India with Aryatech using bespoke wind loading and OrcaFlex, 2018.

Wind Speed Profiles
Floating PV Arrays
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Breakwater Caisson Assessment and Design Verification

Development of design and analysis software for wave loading on caisson breakwaters with vertical concrete walls, in compliance with PIANC and OCDI, Japan. Includes afloat stability and shallow water wave induced motions for installation. Used for design verification of Nador Port West, Morocco, for STFA Turkey, 2018.

Overview of Nador Site
Caisson Cross Section
Wave Force Design, Excel
Installation Stability Analysis, Excel
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FEA with SIMSCALE to Optimize an Articulated NAVAID

Detailed design of subsea buoyancy modules for shallow water (20 meters) using rotomolded shells and rigid polyurethane foams.  Development of preliminary stress analysis and design software, coupled with linear and non-linear elastic finite element solutions, for Tideland, Xylem, 2017.

Float FEA Model and Symmetry Slice
HDPE Outer Skin von Mises Stresses
Comparison of Stress Variation with Boundary Conditions
Detail of FE Solid Element Mesh
Comparison of Displacement Variation with Boundary Conditions
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High Speed Collision Analysis of Boats with Port Security Barrier

High speed collision analysis of boats with port security barrier, with Truston, using OrcaFlex and new analysis solution package developed by STA, for DCNS and Singapore Navy, 2017.

Tow Analysis, Aircraft Carrier

Tow analysis of aircraft carrier into congested harbor area using 4 tugs, for Singapore Navy, 2017.

Aircraft Carrier with 4 tugs, OrcaFlex analysis, Singapore

Cruise Ship Arrest Barrier

Watch simulation of 335m Cruise Ship being stopped by barrier before collision in port occurs.  70,000 dwt ship, 333m long, velocity 6 knots, without damage in 100m distance.  Preliminary engineering design includes foundation piles in sandstone and siltstone beneath harbor sediments.  Work with Truston. 2017-2018.

Dynamic Mooring Analysis of LNG Carrier and FSRU at Pier Terminal

Dynamic mooring analysis of two LNG vessels at jetty mooring in Bangladesh for Technip.  Multi-body coupled hydrodynamic diffraction solution with MDL Hydro, and OrcaFlex in the time domain.  Significant shallow water effects accounted for, 2017.

Site specific assessment of Irish Sea Pioneer

4-legged jack-up designed by STA in 1995/96, for Petrofac, 2015.

Irish Sea Pioneer working Morecambe Bay Unmanned Gas Platform

SPM Dynamic Mooring Analysis of three terminals and tankers

Sizes, VLCC, Suezmax and Aframax at three single point mooring (CALM buoys) terminals in Colombia for Ocensa and Ecopertol, beginning 2016.  Main effort is time-domain wind-shift, or sudden squall conditions analysis.  Objective is to predict optimum tug maneuvers to minimize hawser tensions under wide range of loading conditions.

Photo of SPM with tanker at Covenas
TLU3 (CALM Buoy 3)
Location of Loading Buoys Offshore Covenas, Colombia
OrcaFlex Snapshot of CALM with Hawser Load
OrcaFlex Snapshot, Aframax o CALM Buy
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Ground reaction force and geotechnical pressure

calculation methodology to assess heeling of sunken ship during salvage.

Ground Pressures at Stern and Moment Balance During Salvage Lift of Bow

Creep assessment of HMPE slings during heavy lift

STA provided non-linear time-dependent and load-dependent creep analysis of HMPE slings for the Sewol Side Lift.


Engineering services and dynamic simulations of heavy lifts

involved with the marine salvage of the Sewol Ferry, Korea, beginning 2015.  Client is Shanghai Salvage Company, working for Korean Government.  The 145 meter long vessel is being raised from 44 meters water depth in one piece, involving 12,000 ton and 10,000 ton crane barges.  All dynamic simulations are performed in the time domain with OrcaFlex.  32 primary slings and over 70 secondary slings are in the OrcaFlex analyses. Extracts from an interview given by Bil Stewart (just after a serious mouth surgery) to KBS TV (Korean Broadcasting System) are given below:

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