4 Ways Riser Analysis Can Reduce Costs and Improve Performance

During exploration and production operations in both the gas and oil industry, the riser is a critical component in the process. Production risers bring gas and oil to the surface for transportation and processing, and drilling risers inject mud and drilling fluids into the well bore during drilling operations.

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The 4 Basic Components of Single Point Moorings

During off-shore oil and gas production operations, single point moorings provide a safe way to offload petroleum products to tankers, operating as both a buoy system to keep the ship in position and as a connection to the sub-sea pipeline and riser system to move the petroleum products from the production platform to the tanker.

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Hydrodynamic Analysis

Hydrodynamic Analysis http://Array STA offers a wide range of hydrodynamic analysis services.  We use commercially available software, including AQWA, WAMIT, and MDL Hydro, as well as our own STA BARMOT…

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Features of Single Point Moorings

[Posted on December 4th, 2013 by Bill Stewart] Single point moorings are loading buoys anchored offshore, serving as an interconnection for tankers load and offload liquid or gaseous products. The buoy…

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Marine Salvage Dynamics – Sewol Salvage

Sewol Salvage: Stewart Technology Associates worked as Technical Advisors to Shanghai Salvage Company using STA software and were responsible for all dynamic analysis of the complex lifts in the open…

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