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Things To Consider When You Perform A Mooring Analysis

[Posted on January 29th, 2014 by Bill Stewart]

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Anytime a permanent structure is going to be built into the water, such as a pier, it’s important to conduct mooring analysis. This will help to determine the design of the structure as well as the materials to ensure that all has been taken into consideration. If analysis is not done, it can lead to problems down the road – including complete destruction of the mooring.

Many industries use mooring analysis, including offshore drilling. When an industry needs analysis conducted, it usually involves software where numbers can be added.

The software can generate a significant amount of data after some basic numbers are inputted. This includes looking at the depths of the water as well as such things as the type of water. Waves and tides can play an active role in the analysis as well because a structure needs to be high enough to compensate for such things.

There have been some instances when piers and bridges have been built without considering the highest wave. As a result, the entire structure was washed away when storm waves came crashing down. This left people to lose both time and money because of having to rebuild.

Industries do not have to take the time to learn through trial and error. There are plenty of ways to find out about the conditions of the water and worst case scenarios by conducting mooring analysis. When it comes to offshore projects, riser analysis can be important as well. Generally, anything that tells a person that they will be able to build because of having numbers in front of them to inform them it is okay is needed prior to going forward with a project.

Once a person is out on the water, they have to decide between buoy versus anchor. There are pros and cons to each. In some instances, the buoy can be more effective. It is a form of mooring that can be permanent. Boats can attach to it as opposed to dropping an anchor. This allows boats to stay stable and they don’t have to worry about an anchor dragging along the bottom of the ocean floor as the waves help to push them along.

In many instances, boats are not equipped with an anchor that is sufficient for the water depth and waves that they are in. As a result, they won’t drift as far as not having an anchor but they are still going to drift simply because they don’t have the right equipment. When it’s boating for fun, that’s fine. However, when it comes to offshore drilling and similar projects, drifting could be catastrophic.

Mooring analysis has to be done dilligently to ensure that all of the right equipment is aboard and that worst-case scenarios have been considered to avoid a loss of time, money, and destruction of property.

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