STA PULLOUT is a program that claculates the pullout resistance of a buried plate anchor, subject to static and dynamic uplift from a mooring line. The program was developed for use with driven plate anchors commonly used in US Navy moorings. It is suited also to the evaluation of the uplift capacity of any type of anchor whose primary resistance to pullout is by the area of uts fluke plates in most types of seabed.
The solution is closed form and immediate. Degredation of the seabed caused by cyclic loading is pedicted for a wide range of soil types. Long term and short term (undrained) solutions are provided.
The main input and results screen is shown below
(Click image for larger version, PDF)

The data input section is shown below

The main results are shown below

Wind and current loading is included, using the US Navy's methodology, as indicated in the screen below.
(Click image for larger version, PDF)

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