Jack-Up Simulator Comments...
STA developed the first jack-up simulator
in the world. Several implementations of this simulator
exists, including the physical simulators in Scotland and Louisiana,
as well as the software versions in Texas and in California.
STA JUSIM models the behavior of the jack-up
rig subjected to all known likely conditions. Punch-throughs
and leg damage can be simulated. Similar to the ballast
control simulator the trainees operate the control panel on
board a tilting table. Unlike the semi-submersible simulator
the jack-up simulator must control the attitude of the table
to within one-tenth of one degree. With many titling tables
in existence today, the required degree of accuracy is not possible
because of flexure of the table. STA has proprietary designs
of table structures with tilting mechanisms that do not suffer
from this limitation.
Another unique feature of the jack-up simulator
is it's ability to rotate the tilt table quickly through a large
angle. Some cases this can be done with a hydraulic system.
However, this is often difficult and STA has turned to the screw-jack
actuators used in the aerospace and movie industries.
Although these devices are expensive, STA believes they give
the best bang for the buck since maintenance if effectively
zero, over the life (25 years) of the system.
STA JUSIM is sold as a stand-alone application,
or in conjunction with a full simulator.
In 1986 Mr. Stewart left DNV and formed STA,
leaving in place the arrangement that he would continue to service
and support the simulator. In1987 DNV commissioned STA
to produce the world's first jack-up simulator. This was
designed to be run on a PC and to drive the same tilt-table
at DNV. A set of panels with the jack-up controls mounted
over the semi-submersible ballast control panel and a single
switch changed control from the semi to the jack-up computer.
This first jack-up simulator built by STA
is in operation today and is used with the same software developed
by STA beginning in 1987. This same software is also the
basis of the jack-up simulator in the Aberdeen Technical College.
The STA software, JUSIM, runs the only two
jack-up simulators in the world.
Gulf Coast Electric have a web site
www.gcee.com, where the STA simulator is briefly
described. Figure 5 is a picture showing the jack-up simulator
panel, taken from that web site.
FIGURE 5 - STA Jack-Up Simulator
in GCE |
Figure 6 shows the simulator room and one
of the original Hydraulic ball-screw jacks can be seen in the
Simulator at GCE, Louisiana, Door open, floor level,
red screw jack
When GCEE purchased the simulator from DNV,
passing through the hands of the University of Southwestern
Louisiana, they also acquired the STA software and hardware
for the STA Liftboat Simulator.
Liftboats generally use hydraulic motors for
moving their legs, compared to most jack-ups using electrical
drive systems. The STA Liftboat simulator has a panel
that covers the jack-up panel kW meters and displays hydraulic
pressures. Some other additional features are also included.
FIGURE 7 - Another View of
STA Jack-Up
Simulator in Louisiana, 2001 |